Local Termite Treatment
You might be surprised to find out that there are several different kinds of termites that call for different kinds of treatment. Every termite call begins with an inspection to find out whether you have subterranean termites, the kind that live in the ground outside the house, or drywood termites,the kind that live in the wood beneath your feet and behind your walls. San Diego pest control companies can find out how far in they have managed to get themselves and determine the service you’ll need. Harbor treats subterranean termites with a chemical application outside your home.
We treat drywood termites one of two ways, depending on the severity of the problem. If the termites haven’t gotten a strong foothold in your home, we can eliminate them by partial-structure treatment. If necessary, California pest control companies should offer full-structure treatment that can be done to ensure they’re gone!
Harbor uses the strongest, toughest methods available against termites. The last thing anybody wants is to repeat a termite treatment…..so we do it right the first time. Of course, we will work with you, around your schedule, moving as fast as we safely can to minimize disruption in your routine.

We proudly serve San Diego, La Jolla, Alpine, Bonita, Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, Jamul, La Mesa, Lakeside, Lemon Grove, National City, Santee, Spring Valley, and the surrounding areas in California.